Santa Praia

Localizada na deslumbrante Praia do Futuro.

Santa Praia

“Santa Praia, localizada na deslumbrante Praia do Futuro, em Fortaleza – Ceará, destaca-se como um verdadeiro refúgio para cearenses e turistas. Com uma atmosfera prazerosa, oferece uma variedade de atrações para aproveitar durante o dia e à noite, intensificadas pela beleza natural da paradisíaca orla cearense.

A culinária cearense

A culinária cearense é diversa e repleta de sabores marcantes, destacando-se por pratos que refletem a tradição e a autenticidade da cultura local. Experimentar essas delícias é uma verdadeira imersão na riqueza gastronômica do Ceará! 🍲🌽🍤 #CulináriaCearense #SaboresDoCeará #TradiçãoGastronômica

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Our services

Having a bad day? Catch some waves! Enjoy a place with perfect surfing conditions and our professional trainers.
Video Lesson

Learn how to surf from the beginning level

Become a pro surfer

Welcome to our surf school. Our team of professional surf trainers are ready to help you learn to enjoy the waves right from the start. Rest assured – we can help you, no matter how old you are. We teach adults and children, even the youngest 4-5 years old. We conduct windsurfing courses according to VDWS standards.


Having a bad day? Catch some waves! Enjoy a place with perfect surfing conditions and our professional trainers.

"Surfio professionals helped me master a new hobby that has become a part of my life. I am very grateful to the trainers for their work."

Kate Anderson


"It was an incredible learning experience and my love of surfing just got stronger! It's nice to feel such emotions, guys, it was the best tour!"

Peter Smit


"Surfio professionals helped me master a new hobby that has become a part of my life. I am very grateful to the trainers for their work."

Alisa Newbie


Ready to start new hobby right now?

Having a bad day? Catch some waves! Enjoy a place with perfect surfing conditions and our professional trainers.